Sunday, April 20, 2014

"I Couldn't Take it Anymore" -Chair

A chair is just a chair until it is gone from the world. When that happens it becomes the most remembered thing to the owner who needed it most.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

If Only...

       There once was a king. He was not wise or smart, but because he was king everyone praised him. He would condemn the innocent and those around said they deserved it; all because he was king. The king did not know the meaning of hard work. Simply because he was pampered and didn't have to lift a finger for anything.
        Now there was another man who was in the lowest of positions. Even the peasants spat upon him when seen, and the fact of the matter was he didn't deserve it. He was a slave. Born into such a dire situation. He worked day and night till his brow bled and his back grew tired. He would work hard hoping that someday his actions would allow him freedom.
         The slave began to work in the foolish kings gardens. He worked putting his tears into the garden to make its beauty flourish.
         The king saw his gardens and would say, "look at my garden. Look at how amazing it is." He took the credit of the slave, and none questioned him.
          After many years the king went back to his garden. He was angered at the sight he saw. Nearly every plant was shriveled and life seemed none existent in such a place. He demanded to know who did this to his garden. A servant ran up to the king and told him the slave that had once taken care of the gardens had taken his own life, and that the garden seemed to be in mourning of such things.
          The king was taken aback by such an answer. He wished to know more about the man who could make the plants weep over his death, but because of the brand of being a slave the king found no such information about the man. He found only the snickers of prideful men who would say, "Who cares about such a lowly person? He is of no concern for me." Such answers appalled the king.    
          That night he cried himself to sleep saying, "If only I had done more. If only I had done something."

Questions From the not so Intelligent Person

       1. Why? Why don't kids like to read? I love it. It takes me to my own little world. People always say the book was better than the movie. So why don't we like to read?
       2. How come I hate the rain, but love the after rain effect? Just the smell after a rainstorm is the best.
       3. Why doesn't anyone seem to like my taste in music? Also why do they have to tell me my choice in music sucks? I mean why does it matter? It's my choice.
       4. How come someone has to be wrong all the time? Can it ever be a draw? So what if you don't like someone's idea for something? For all you know their answer could be correct and you're  just an idiot.
       5. Why am I awkward? I'm never able to articulate what's on my mind very well.
       6. How come Pluto isn't a planet anymore? I mean we don't say a midget isn't a person so why can't Pluto be a planet?
       7. Who's brilliant idea was it to make the education system so out of wack that half the kids have to take pills to pass?
       8. Why does a doughnut have a hole in it? I mean if they wouldn't put the hole there then there would be more doughnut for me, right?
       9. Why does everyone say I'm wasting my time playing video games? Come on! Like any hobby is a waste of time if you think about it. It doesn't better society if you build a car model. So how is that any different then me playing video games?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Simple Question

       Hello everyone, I know this seems strange, but I'm curious to know. In fact I have to know. Now before I ask there are a couple of things I need to say first. I wish for anyone who reads this post to comment it with an answer because there will be a question at the end that I want answered. I want you to please take it seriously however if you do happen to make a joke I won't be mad. Because let's be honest who doesn't like a joke every once in a while? Also if you happened to stumble upon this post please have your friends read it and comment as well.
       Now there's a parable I will tell and if you know where this story comes from well then good for you. Although just know that I changed some things.
       Once two blind men sat atop a tall mountain in the early morning of the day. As the sun rose the rays of light made the scenery so breath taking and beautiful. As the two blind men began to feel the warmth of the sun the one leaned over to other and asked, "Can beauty be taken away?"
       The other replied bitterly saying, "Yes! My sight has been taken from me, and so I will never be able to see the beauty of things."
       The other having been born blind asked, "And what about the beauty of music? What about all the other things that can be enjoyed? Is there not beauty in those?"
       The man whose sight was taken said, "And what if all those senses were taken from you? What if your tongue was cut off? your ears ripped off? What if all you felt was pain for the rest of your life?"
       The man born blind thought long and hard for an answer, but could find no answer.
       Now forgive me for cutting the story short but I now ask you, Can beauty be taken away?

What I Want

        I remember when I was a child I wanted to grow up so badly. I wanted to be an artist. I wanted to live in a mansion. Where I had all the house maids, servants, and video games I ever wanted. Where I didn't have a care in the world, but now I have to grow up...
        I now live in a time where the possibility of screwing up is a reality. Every day I look in the mirror saying follow your dreams, but how can I do that? Lets be honest I'm a slacker. I don't have a 4.0 GPA, I don't do extra cirricular activities, and I dont have an impressive résumé.
        My parents just want me to graduate, but what do I want? Doesn't that matter? Now that I'm older I still want to be an artist. Not a writer, although there is a certain type of beauty to this, I want to draw, to paint, and to sketch. Now that I'm older I have to realize that I'm not nearly as good as some however, but that doesn't matter.
        I just want to be happy. But is that really possible in a world that defines happiness by a paycheck rather than by life's work? I don't know maybe I'm insane, but I've come to learn that if everyone would care more about others than themselves the world would be a place of compassion. I've come to learn that yes I'm annoying and a nuisance. I've been told that every day. Why should I care? I've come to terms with it, and now I say I'll happily play the fool again and again if it means I can make someone smile.
       Bah! What do I know? I'm just a rambling teenager in a world where the honors of men have died.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


    She is beautiful... There's nothing much else to say. She's the one I love, or at least I think it's love... How can I tell? Is it because my heart beats irregularly when she walks into a room. Could it be because when she opens her mouth I only hear angelic songs of love and tranquility. It also might be because when we kiss the world becomes silent. There's only her and me. She is the one and I don't care who knows it. I love her even if its just the hormones I still love her.
    She is my savior. She pulled me from the depths of hell and showed me happiness does exist. You just have to look in the right places. She is the one who keeps me going when times are hard. She is the one I don't plan on letting go. I hope she feels the same way otherwise I'll feel like a fool, but at least I'll be a happy fool during those times.
    I love her and that's all that matters.

The Death Note

   I remember waking up to a strange knock on the door. Strange, since I'm in my room and it's the middle of the night. I open my door to the hallway. I can't see much since the hallway doesn't have any light, but I get an odd sensation that someone's watching me...
   Hurriedly I shut the door and go back to my bed. The knocking returns. It's stops only a moment and that's when I decide I'm not going to open it.
   The moment I think it the knocking turns into scratching and kicking. This thing wants in. What do I do? Oh god, have mercy on me what does it want?
"The answer is simple," I hear from the door. "I wish only one thing and one thing alone. I want you dead."
   No it can't be... The door flies open and the last thing I see is a beast so vile that words cannot describe. The pain, oh how the pain keeps me conscious for only seconds but it feels like an eternity. Perhaps if I had just kept my head down this wouldn't be happening, but it's to late. Do not make the same mistakes I did. I beg of you...